Tuesday’s Tip -King and Queen Courthouse Tavern Museum (Blog 340)

King and Queen Courthouse Museum (their photo)

King and Queen Courthouse Museum (photo from their WEBSite)


This week we had the opportunity to visit the King and Queen Courthouse Tavern Museum located in King and Queen Court House, Virginia.

We received excellent research assistance from Page with whom we corresponded before we arrived, Sharon who assisted us while we were at the site, and Biddie who left her contact information for us because her grandfather was a friend of John William Shackford  and his wife Martha Cole McLelland who we are researching!

As mentioned on their Website, the museum is definitely “out-of-the way”.  It was an hour’s drive from our campsite near Fredericksburg, Virginia but the drive was beautiful and well worth the trip as the museum has a fabulous collection of books, exceptional museum collection, excellently written historical bulletins, and very, very helpful staff!

Before we arrived, the staff had pulled information about John William Shackford from many sources.  While I could have taken pictures of the material, I chose to let Sharon take photocopies which we still haven’t finished reviewing.  Sharon also gave us fabulous directions to Walkerton where we visited the Mizpah Church which John Shackford helped found and then drove to the Sheppard Church where he preached.

Mizpah Church
Mizpah Church, Walkerton VA

We didn’t drive to the property where John lived and raised his family because this appeared to be private property but we recognized the long distances between locations described in many articles about this family.

A few tips regarding this great museum!

They are open on Friday and Saturday 10-4 and Sunday 1-5

If you write to the staff before your visit you may receive even more help from this fabulous staff.

If you are using a GPS to find this town, note that the town’s name is spelled King and Queen Court House, a GPS may not find the words King and Queen Courthouse

We wish to thank the wonderful staff at the King and Queen County Tavern Museum!